It was a different type of Christmas this year...much more laid back. We went to a Christmas Eve candlight service at church and then came home to enjoy the festive movies on AFN. Santa came and filled the kids' stockings and did a very good job at guessing at what they would like.
Here is Pigdog "helping" me wrap presents that had to be shipped back to the states.

A couple of days before Christmas they snuggled together..neither willing to relent control of the blanky on the couch.

This is how Christmas Eve waking up Michael and Piglet to make them come to bed :)

The tree before we opened presents:

Piggy and her stocking (she got biscuits and some special treats):

Bailey and her stocking (she got a small mouse with a microchip so it squeaks every time she touches kept her interest and that was the main thing):

Michael and his new grill scraper from his stocking:

Bailey all wrapped up in some ribbon...she actually did this herself and we couldn't get her out of the mound of trash for a good while b/c she was having such a good time (she was actually social and we didn't want to ruin it):

Piggy snooping around all the boxes:

Me and Piglet amidst the Christmas Carnage:

The new purse Michael picked out for me :) He's a
definite keeper and he can pick out a purse for me anyday!!

One of the Japanese Shisa that I bought Michael back in September and kept hidden until he opened them!! They go in the front of our house and help keep evil spirits from entering...lets hope they work!

I hope everyone else had a Merry Christmas too!