Friday, August 29, 2008

Preparing for Kyoto -

I gots me some hot pink toes for our trip to Kyoto this weekend!  I'll hopefully have some cool pics when we get back next week :)  Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday Michael!

I made Michael a mint chocolate chip ice-cream cake for his special day:
Michael cut the cake b/c it was REALLY frozen:
Yumm!  Sugary deliciousness:
It was a better birthday than last year - we actually have friends and are settled in over here!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

White Beach

We went to White Beach on the Eastern side of the island to help celebrate our friend Craig's birthday.  It was beautiful!  There were huge hermit crabs that came out from under our cabin that the kids loved to play with (and I was fascinated with too):
Craig blowing out the candles on his cake:
The next day we walked out to a little island when the tide was out.  There were great little shells that we found and jelly fish that had washed ashore:
Craig cooling down in the water and his wife Max hunting shells:
Craig found this contraption of sorts on the island so he and Michael hiked it back up to the cabin.  We're still not sure what it really is - here is some of the guys "examining" it:

A great sunset from our patio:
Michael completely indulging me by cooking s'mores the second night :)


My newest toes - they are a really sparkly pinkish/purple:

Monday, August 4, 2008

Snorkeling at the Keramas

We took a day trip out to the Kerama Islands on Saturday to snorkel.  It was a beautiful island but I guess the Japanese tourists have been feeding the fish b/c I got bit!  The little booger actually broke skin on the back of my leg.  The fish kept following us around too - looking for food.   It was a very relaxing day with no technology to bug us!
Michael after we ate our bentos for lunch: