Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home Improvements

We loved our tile floors ... but as the foundation settled, the tiles began to crack. Normally we would just replace the cracked tiles, but this tile has been discontinued :( So we decided to put wood floors down!
The before pics:

Our attempt to keep some of the dust off the furniture:

this is the upstairs hallway ... btw - nothing worked, we just spent all day cleaning the house from top to bottom :/
The tile coming up ... the tiles were ON THERE. It took 2 guys 3 days and 2 jackhammers to get all of the tile up!

This was only from day 1 - the dust got about 3 inches thicker!

We were quarantined upstairs while all of the chaos was going on downstairs, so we decided to paint the upstairs bathroom :)
The before:

The after:

Meanwhile ... getting ready to lay the floor:
The crack that was the catalyst for all of this - it went from outside wall to outside wall so the crack eventually would've spanned the entire floor!

The after!! I was TAD while the floor was put down so lucky Michael got to do a lot of the inital cleaning ... but we both worked ALL day to get our house back in order! We LOVE the new floors!

So glad it is done so we can get back to a normal routine!

New Year's in Vegas

We drove up to Vegas after Texas to spend New Year's Eve. We're such party animals - in bed by 10pm on NYE :P We went and played Bingo up at the SouthPoint (I love Bingo!). Electronic cards are the only way to play!
In between Bingo games we went and bowled! Michael spanked all of us!
... then again, Steve did bowl left-handed so as to not hurt his back :)
... then on the second game, Jan got a Bingo!! Here is the lady verifying her card number:
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
Michael and his dad played some racing games:
... and we bought ourselves a pin ball machine for our Christmas gift! "Jungle Lord" is so much fun!! Jan and Steve also have one so our NYE was full of good food and pin ball!
I was able to read a lot on our vacation ... which made me happy!
Piggy started to feel better so she came and snuggled:
I had to post pics of this house. For obvious reasons.

Whew!! We drove back on 1 Jan ... and I started my new job on 3 Jan! I love love love my new job - even though I am exhausted!

Christmas in Texas

We drove to Texas ... right next to the turn to head to Michael's old high school was this store. Yep, that is definitely our sense of humor :P
The guys putting together the smoker:
Michael and Bryan:
Spencer and Squirt:
Sladen and Spencer ... trying to keep Sladen inside was tough - he loved to be running outside!
Playing Settlers of Catan:
Bryan and his boys Christmas morning!
Rock with his Boo (Squirt) - two VERY cool dogs!
Santa's Little Helpers:
Gigi (Corde and Leslie's pup):
Christmas madness :)
Flavor Flaaaaaaaave ... whoops, I mean Corde :P
Michael before the carnage began:
Christmas afternoon at Grandmother and Granddad Early's house - it was also to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary!

P-Mo and Kenan playing on the iphone:
Michael with Rock and Squirt playing fetch ... Piglet actually came outside for a little bit. She got really sick while we were down there so she wasn't feeling like her sassy self :(
Sniffing the outside water ... Ms. Diva prefers filtered water so she turned up her nose. Ugh - she is so high maintenance!!
Hanging out with her biological Daddy and sister :)
What a great visit!