There has definitely been a steep learning curve for these new parents the past couple of weeks! Even with the lack of sleep, we are enjoying every minute of Caleb :)
Lots of snuggles:
He will finally sit/sleep in his vibrating chair and the swing - which helps us out tremendously b/c then we aren't forced to hold him and try to get things done around the house!
Little Angel Boy:
Jeff, Mandy and the girls sent some super cute flowers to the hospital!
Michael's Dad and Step-mom came in from Vegas to meet their newest grandson!
Jan holding Caleb:
Steve having deja-vu holding a baby that looks just like Michael did when he was a newborn!
Yaya stayed a little longer and was able to get some good snuggling in with Caleb:
I caught one of his little smiles :)
He is a super stretcher! He likes to extend all of his limbs out as far as they'll go ... and then fall back asleep. Swaddling can be a bit of a challenge :P
He loves his play-gym - the lights/music and the octopus can keep him entertained for about 10-15 minutes! He likes it when we put his lion beneath it so he can fall asleep on it:
This is how I got through class one night (I Skyped into the class to listen to the lecture) - him on the boppy on top of me!
He loves bathtime!
Michael and Caleb love their naps - Michael woke up with a Caleb - scarf because he kept creeping up Michael's chest :)
Baby blue-eyes!
He is SO alert - always looking around!
... and then crashing hard.
He is such a little cutie!!