Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween was so much fun this year! Caleb really got into it, telling everyone he was going to be "bat. man." for "trick oh treat". It was an awesome crisp, cool night and he ran to each house in our little neighborhood after getting his candy! He did really well ringing the doorbell (sometimes multiple times before we could catch his little hand), saying "trick oh treat" and then saying thank you before he left!
Lexi hanging out while Caleb got his costume on:

Just so schleepy ...

Ready to trick or treat!

Lexi was a little punkin!


Picture fail. We tried to have Caleb hold Lexi on the ground ;P

Me and my babes! Lexi was tired and c-r-a-n-k-y!

Still crying. But boy is Caleb excited!

She calmed down after Daddy started walking to the houses and everyone told her how cute she looked!

Some neighbors took pictures for us from inside their house!

He was having the best night ever!

Little Lexi yawn (so cute!):

... and she's out :)

Checking out his candy loot. 

Eating a kit kat.

One of my favorite videos of all time. Him eating a "tik-tak" and smarties :)

Moving on to a Twix :P Super sugar high ... followed by a strong sugar crash!

A successful Halloween!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

October 2014

October was such a great month - its my favorite time of year! Caleb made huge strides with his speech this month and was so excited for "Hawo-ween" and his "pump-nee"! It has taken some doing (and we are still working on) getting him to watch something other than Hawo-ween Monkey (Curious George's Halloween special). He especially loves the man in the yellow hat! We even had a poop painting episode this month where Caleb threw it all over his room instead of taking a nap. Ugh. The good Lord was looking down on me and sent Michael home on-time from the Pentagon on a Friday! Whew! Not sure I could have cleaned it up myself while taking care of Lexi! We got to do lots of fun stuff this month and things are starting to get more routine with the 4 of us :)
Little Lexi loves to st-re-tc-h out!

She is still such a wonderful baby! She isn't sleeping 8-9 hours every night, but instead is doing a 5-6 hour stretch followed by a 2-3 hour stretch. She LOVES to smile! When she is on her changing pad she gives us tons of smiles and coohs!

She also LOVES her bathtime!

Big brother Caleb is such a little helper! He even helps out with the laundry every now and then (out of the dryer into the bags)!

My sweet girl:

Her first cat-nap on the boppy:

She loves to be warm too - as soon as she gets warm she gets sleepy :)

We went and made our Fall handprint plates! Caleb did a great job putting his handprint on the plate to make a tree and to make the feathers on the turkey with Lexi's footprint as the body!

We kept him entertained with the iPad :)

Caleb had a 2 week stretch of being obsessed with his Mr. Potato Head! He loved to turn the mouth upside down and say "saaaad Potato"... turn it back rightside up and say "Happy 'tato!"

Happy girl before the Aggie game!

Someone turned 2 months! At her appointment she was 9 lbs 14.5 oz and 22" long!

We went to the Pumpkin Patch!

Riding the tire horses with Daddy!

He loved riding the tractor and kicking the balls in the open space more though :/

Chasing chickens!

Riding a surfboard:

On the hayride!

Pulling the wagon to go pick out his pumpkin!

Lexi just stayed snuggled up with me the whole time!

My kiddos :)

There were some HUGE pumpkins in the patch!

He found his perfect pumpkin!

He even carried it himself!

...but needed a little help from Daddy to get it into the wagon :)

aaaand we're off!

Eventually he let Daddy pull him back to the farmhouse :)

Pictures with his sissy:

Our little punkin!

We were laughing at Daddy :)

Our family of 4's first Pumpkin Patch!

She loves to chew on her fingers ... and still won't take a bink!

Smiles while sleeping!

Hanging out with Piggy:

Ready to go with mom to MOPS!

Sooo tired afterwards ...

Her first nap in her crib - she's so tiny!!

Someone got a pretty dapper hat to rock!

More bathtime fun!

Her first time in the jumperoo while I worked out - had to use an abmat to get her feet to touch!

Baby booty!

Napping in the swing!

We had to try on Caleb's costume to make sure it fit ... he picked it out himself and was SOO excited to be bat.man. for Halloween!

Making a huge mess in the car with his donut holes :)

We went to a wine tasting party ... and we took the baby!

Lexi loves snuggling with Daddy after Caleb has gone down for the night!

Caleb didn't like the pumpkin guts at first ... but then he REALLY got into it!

Michael and I carved plastic pumpkins this year with A&M stencils so that next year we can just help the kids ;)

He was SO proud of his pump-nee jack-o-latern!

Fall is definitely here - leaves are changing and falling everywhere!

We went to Charlottesville and helped CJ celebrate his first birthday!

Lexi and I snuggle multiple times a day ... and I love it!

My friend Darcy sent awesome hand-sewn letters to Caleb! He loves playing with them and yelling out what they are as he brings them to us!

Getting in some time on the floor ... still not a fan of tummy time though!

Caleb tries to help ... bless his little heart!

Dressed up for MOPS again!

She really didn't want to smile so Caleb was trying to help me get her to smile!

Milk. Drunk.

Caleb decided to call his Lego friend "Bob". Bob sometimes eats lunch with him and even came up to take a nap with him. It makes my heart melt how much he loves him.

Michael's cup runneth over :)

Playing at the park while Daddy worked the Marine Corps Marathon!

Early morning playing:

Batman watches Sesame Street.

We met up with my brother's family to tour Mt. Vernon! Caleb wouldn't go anywhere unless he was holding Nana's hand :)

Getting a good view from Daddy's shoulders!

Definitely holding on tight tho!

Our family.

Cousins at Mt Vernon!

I love naked babies!

She is always sucking her bottom lip :)

Hanging out on her bubby's bed while Mama gets him dressed for the day:

First bath without the infant insert! She was a fan - she loved kicking her legs and watching the water splash!

Halloween stickers!

Batman ready for storytime at the library!

She just got her hat bc she was strapped to me!

There was another batman there!

Showing off his "happy ghost" stamp :)

Playing with his friend Sean.

I'm. Bat. Man.