Thursday, July 30, 2015

Caleb's 3rd Birthday

Our little Superhero turned 3! He is such a bright light and a HUGE blessing in our life! He says some of the funniest things, but he's quickly learning the proper way to say things so we're losing our baby boy :( He still loves his ga-giggle (aka lovey), watching fast moto-cycles (especially our neighbor, Ryan, when he leaves for work), riding his bike, playing ball, and bubbles! Some of our favorite Caleb-isms:  pitz-ta, down-down (downstairs), "its all my dault" (its all my fault), Zoom to the Moon!, blue go-go and green go-go (blue and green Cat in the Hat bibs), Uh-oh-a-betty-goes (uh oh spaghetti-ohs), dino-roars, dang-ick (dang it), and asking us if we "wanna lay in his little bed?". He can kick the ball SUPER far and is getting better at catching a ball. One of the favorite times of his day is his nighttime routine with his Daddy (bath time and stories). They talk about his day and he tells Daddy what his favorite thing of the day was. He has memorized a few books and likes to "read" them back to us. He is great with his ABCs, singing "twinkle twinkle", "I'm a little teapot" and "muffin man". He can also count to 20! He is also super sweet to his baby sister ... in the morning he says, "Good morning Lexi Princess"!
Batman got donuts for breakfast (HAD to have sprinkles).

We surprised him with his birthday presents from us:

I made him a superhero blanket with Spiderman on one side and Batman on the other:

 He also got a Spiderman backpack!

Cupcakes and Cake ready to head to the bounce house!

His birthday shirt and tattoos:

Ready to party!

We had lots of cousins and our neighbors come help us celebrate!
(Savannah, Sladen, Scout and Caleb)

Gunnar, Sawyer, Keegan and Kenan:

Our little family (plus Scout)!

Hanging with his cousin:

Daddy getting the cake ready:

Ready to make a wish and blow it out!


He had such a great time and was genuinely SO excited about the presents he received!

So tired after partying and bouncing so much!

One happy 3 year old!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

April 2015

Taking a walk on a warm day! ... and a pinwheel!

Dying Easter eggs!

Easter baskets!

Lexi's first Easter!

The futures so bright ... gotta wear shades :)

Someone got malted milk balls for the first time!


Too cool for school.

My Angel Girl all ready for Easter Sunday:

Our first Easter as a family of four!

Michael and the kiddos:

I love them.

He is such a good big brother!

There's that million dollar smile!

The Easter Bunny came! Easter egg hunt!

He realized that the Easter Bunny put candy in the eggs and he immediately started opening up the eggs to eat the candy :/

Baby Girl found a couple eggs too!

After the hunt we did some bubbles!
Caleb colored a picture in Sunday School and they made it into a mug! He was SO proud of his cup!

Lexi Lou got to hang out in her Ducky shirt again :)

Bailey did a little sun bathing :)

Caleb's first Cadbury egg! I surprised Michael and made a carrot cake! (his absolute favorite)

Caleb was super pumped about the cake.

Catch a monkey by his tail :P

... or a unicorn!


8 months!!
Still not a great sleeper. Now sweet potatoes make her tummy hurt so those are out. Lexi has started to rock back on her hind legs when she's on her tummy - getting ready to crawl! She can also sit up unassisted and scoot backwards!

Miss Thang is obsessed with feet!

Finally- warmer weather!! This was Lexi's first time in a swing and she LOVED it!!

Sweet baby girl.

I love her beautiful eyes!

Crib time!

Checking out the fishes in her aquarium!


She stole Dusty from Caleb.

First time with chicken noodle soup!

Watching Bubby eat.

I got all pinteresty (not really).  Just made a flower with a strawberry, banana and egg. :P

SO excited about her book!

Get your croc on.

Daddy made Mickey pancakes!!

Lounging on the recliner in her room!

Chewing on the spoon.  Will those teeth EVER come through?!?!

Cherry blossoms in our backyard!

No judging.

She really likes her unicorn.

Daddy made ribs!!

Cousin love!

Yeah for not having Lexi strapped to me at the commissary!

Sitting up and playing with her vanity!

Pigdalgo is getting old :/


Helping Mama make cupcakes!

... taste tester!
(practice run to make sure I could make spider-web cupcakes for his birthday)

We got to help celebrate Stetson's (Caleb's cousin) first birthday!

Stetson and Lexi (only ~4 months apart!)

Birthday boy!

Passports came!

Lexi loves her go-pod that she can stand in by herself outside!

Mickey pjs!!

Costco :)

Playing with her vanity:

...chewing on Sophie.

My best friend from high school came with her hubby and daughter to visit! Caleb and Lucy are only ~3 weeks apart!

We went to the Marine Corps Museum!

No, son.

Hanging out in the spot where Daddy got promoted!


Darcy and Lexi!

Friends for over 22 years!


Park time!

She scoots backwards after coming by the couch and inevitably gets stuck.  Every. Time.  :P
She gets so mad too.


A tough game of Sneaky Snacky Squirrel.

I finally finished Caleb's birthday present! (just in time too!)