Monday, February 12, 2007


Last night Fox News aired the War Stories by Oliver North, "The Homefront to the Frontlines", which featured 1st Battalion 6th Marines. I had mixed emotions about watching it, but I'm so glad I did and that I taped it for Michael to see when he, eventually, gets home. I don't think 10 seconds could go by that I wasn't tearing up or getting emotional...those were my friends and their husbands--OUR lives being chronicled. What a neat documentary to, someday, show our kids. It makes me much more grateful to the fact that we don't have kids right now because being a husband and wife is hard enough during a deployment, let alone trying to raise kids while worrying about your husband in a combat zone. When they were speaking to Major Jones (head of the Military Transition Team), I kept hoping for a glance of such luck. I have a feeling that they taped his interview while he was at the big camp and not where the MTT team is training the IA at. After speaking with my friends at work who also have husbands in 1/6, we all came to the same conclusion...time for them to come home! All of us thought it was a well put-together documentary and it accurately reflected deployments on the homefront. It was nice for the media to finally give some face time to military families and actually honor the sacrifice they make with some recognition... instead of just saying "thank you for all you do" with little sincerity behind it.

1 comment:

MSB said...

Livi watched with me... she kept saying "I am watching for Uncle Michael"... I was surprised that she didn't ever think that she saw him. She kept saying "that's not him". She did say that "Uncle Michael keeps me safe from the bad guys"... I teared up.