Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Happy Anniversary!

My wonderful husband bought me a new MacBook for our 4th anniversary!  I can't even explain how excited I am about having my first laptop :)  Now I can blog from the couch, while Michael plays his new PS3 tennis game, instead of having to go upstairs and missing valuable time with my hubby!  

Just a quick update - we might actually get to do a little bit of traveling!  We're supposed to head to the Keramas Islands this weekend for a snorkeling day trip.  Then next weekend we're flying to Ishigaki Island to spend a relaxing weekend at Club Med!  Ishigaki is where they have the "star sand".  Click here to see a picture of it I found on the web.  It looks pretty cool and I'm really excited.  I thought this trip was our anniversary gift to each other so you can imagine my surprise when I came home from work to find gifts on the kitchen table (a day early too!).  I'm not sure what I did to deserve such an amazing husband but I am one lucky girl!


MSB said...

Welcome to the Mac family! I have had Macs for years and I love them! Set up an iChat account... we can have video chats and you can see your nieces!

MSB said...

PS Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been four years... both since you have been married and since Livi was born! I hope you guys have a great weekend! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! We got a Mac for our 4th anniversary too- the fruit (apple) year! Have fun on your trips- can't wait to see pictures!

GW said...

Happy anniversary! I wish we could be there to help you celebrate it. Let us know if you need any software for your MAC. We have Office 2004 I think if you want it. We also have the Leopard (the newest OS) cd. Anyway, take care. We miss you guys!!!

Kris said...

Happy Anniversary! It sounds like it started off good! Enjoy your trip! I can't wait to see pictures!