Sunday, September 20, 2015

July 2015

July brought about Lexi's other front top tooth and an eye tooth! She is a HORRIBLE teether so there has been a lot of screaming in our house! She still wakes 2-4x/night but at least she lets her Daddy help her soothe back to sleep now :) She loves waffles, blueberries, sausage and cheesy eggs for breakfast. She can also kill a whole piece of Baby Belle cheese! The only restaurant that we can go to is the local Mexican food restaurant because they bring out the chips and salsa first and then the food comes fast afterwards! Lexi loves her some cheese quesadillas and rice and beans! One of the kids favorite things to do this month was play with the bubble machine in the front yard! She can take 1-2 steps off the couch when she is cruising fast. She also graduated from the little duck bath to the big bath! She loves getting to splash a whole lot!
She also loved getting to go to more of her Bubby's swim lessons! Caleb loved swim lessons so much that we signed him up for 2 more sessions, so a total of 6 weeks! He is such a fish!
Giving the tootsies a dip!

Caleb did ok the first session, but he got a new instructor the second two sessions and did amazing!!

The mushroom is still a hit.

Loves the little slide too!

Loves him a good selfie every now and then too!

Made this plate with little Lexi's 10 month foot prints (and broke it in September) :*(

One of Caleb's favorite places to eat is Firehouse Subs because he gets a great sandwich and a fireman's hat!

Mmmmmm... Doritos!

Granny J sent a new Lightening McQueen and Mator book ... so he read it with his Lightening McQueen and Mator cars.

Our first real 4th of July with Caleb! This is the first time we've bought fireworks since we've been married! He was SO excited!

Lexi was just along for the cute outfit :P

My view under the table during most meals :)

She LOVES being outside!

We call these her "stinker grins".

Sweet girl.

Jeff, Mandy and their kids came down so we put up the slip and slide!

Caleb was really excited about the slip and slide too.

Cousin fun!

Livi is so good with Lexi!

Notice how the two boys want the weapons!

Time for pop-its, smoke bombs and sparklers!

Cake and homemade ice-cream!

Keepin' the hands safe with good 'ol Solo cups.

Daddy/son bonding.

Scout wanted to do some too!

Time for the bigger fireworks!

Hanging out in the back of the van watching the fireworks!

11 months!

This got ridiculous. She is way too wiggly for these pics now!

Who me?



Get this thing off me.

Teething much?

... and then it happened. Caleb took the doll and Lexi went after the Spiderman.

We bought a new-to-us bed for Caleb for when he gets bigger so we put it up to see what it looks like!

Best toys are just stuff put in a container so that it rattles. Every. Time.


Caleb's neighbor-friend Caleb took him for a ride!

Bailey still has some spunk! She found her a paper bag and went crazy!

Hanging out before lessons!

Stinkpot spying on me through the easel!

Early morning rocking on the front porch.

Heading off the diving board!

So excited about his doughnut!

Sweet Pea can play with the kitchen finally!

 Lexi is also obsessed with Caleb's Spiderman plush doll. She giggles so hard when she sees it and then tackles it on the ground and rolls around with it.

No pants Saturday.

Caleb has really gotten in legos - he love building high towers!

My view when I look down in the kitchen.

Playing with the incrediblock and grabbing a drink!

Sweetheart bum.

New teacher - Caleb LOVED Miss Tiffany!

Working out with Mama in the basement.

First time with her crocs on!

Peeking over her Bubba's bed to see whats up there.

She made it up and thinks its the best place ever!

Mexican food with lots of chips for our 11th wedding anniversary!

Lexi loves it too!

Caleb helped me make homemade ice-cream when got home so we could have an anniversary treat!

We put over a cinnamon scrummy and it was SO sweet! whoops!

Lexi's hair in the morning is out of this world. I love her little monkey bum :P

Stinkpot decided to put on my boots and take them for a spin!

We got Lexi's owl hat for her birthday!

You can see the one tooth up top!

Lexi wants to be anywhere with her brother and daddy.

She also LOVES being on his shoulders!

Watching Daddy mow the lawn.

Little dog gets so sleepy watching the little ones play all day!

A rare moment with her up and Caleb napping where she gets all the toys to herself!

Caleb asked for a Batman cake ... so I tried. The outline is actually ok, it was the choice of sprinkles that made it look wonky.

Caleb didn't care. He thought it was still yummy and awesome!

More swimming lessons!

Ice cream treats!

I live with Batman.

He told his Yaya that he wanted Batman sheets.

Daddy got to make it to one of the final lessons and watch Caleb go off the diving board!

Miss Tiffany even got Caleb some cool Mickey Mouse sidewalk chalk!

A little fun in Target.

Lexi is so excited when she gets to play with her Bubby's cars.

Take my picture Mama!

Yaya obliged with the Batman sheets :)

So. Excited.

Baileycat hates the gates. Her tubbiness just wants to roam free through the house and we won't oblige.

Lexi LOVES Bailey (well, cats in general).

Everyone should look like a princess when they eat hot dogs.

But he wasn't tired.

No words. She just likes to carry some stuff around in her mouth.

We redecorated Caleb's room with superhero stuff. He thinks it is SO cool.

Teething on the octopus!

More swim lessons!

Heading up to the high dive (he didn't do it this day, but he DID do it 3 times this summer!)

Love this little Gig'Em booty!

We surprised Daddy early with his birthday present - a new phone!

Sneaking some play time with Bubby's Batman doll while he naps ...

Opening a present from Granny J and Grandad Steve! (love Lexi's face too)

SO excited about his new Aggie shirt!

He looks so grown up. :(

Trying everything to keep her occupied!

Curly hair in the humidity!

No clue what he is up to!

P-Mo came at the end of July! We went to the neighborhood pool to cool down!

Lexi's monkey "Bananas" ... she loves him.

Mexican food with P-Mo!

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