Saturday, September 19, 2015

June 2015

June was a quick month for us! We had Yaya and Papi here at the beginning and when they got back from their mini-vacation in Florida, we headed on a trip to St. Thomas, USVI! Lexi finally cut a top tooth at the end of the month and has made things fun by absolutely refusing all baby food - only real food for her! She loves beef hash, pizza, spaghetti, noodles with butter, bread and cheese! One of her favorite pastimes is to find a door stopper and hit it to watch it spring back and forth and make a fun noise. Its really annoying so we've lost all of the doorstoppers in the house!
She is super playful and a great little cuddle-bug!

She has really started interacting more with Caleb!

She is pulling up on everything and thinks she is hot stuff! She is also cruising along the furniture!

She's even started walking when you hold her hands!

She can shove fresh pancakes in her mouth as fast as you can get them off the griddle! She is quick to yell at you when you don't attend to her fast enough (no idea where she gets that) - a girl who knows what she wants and when she wants it!

This is what she does while I shower.

She loves her Papi (and the feeling is mutual!)

Yaya and Caleb played lots of memory - Caleb got really good at it too!

We went up to Mt. Vernon and toured the house and grounds again with Uncle Jeff's family!

Yaya, Papi and their East Coast grandkids!

Papi with Caleb and Lexi:

I needed to nurse Lexi so we opted out of the house tour this time and hung out in the garden:

It started to sprinkle but luckily Caleb had his Spiderman umbrella!

Starting to use the push toys!

Papi read some stories to Caleb in his "little bed" and Papi learned how hard it is to climb out! 

Sweet Pea is 10 months!

Walking with Papi:

More memory!

Papi indulged Caleb with doughnuts for breakfast :)

We went to the trampoline park and had a blast!  I got to jump this time since I wasn't pregnant!

Lexi had to sit out tho :(

Caleb was in HEAVEN!!

Bathtime snuggles with his little kitty cat:


Checking out the outside:

Such a little boy in his underoos watching cartoons.

Caleb got a bubble machine for his birthday and it produces SO many bubbles!

We went up to hang out at Jeff and Mandy's and the girls got to spend some time together!

Smiley girl with her first top ponytail!

Papi, Caleb and Yaya watching Monsters, Inc. before bed:

Caleb had his first dentist visit and did great!

Even got to pick out a toy from the treasure chest!

It was hot. So we busted out the little pool and water guns - no one was safe!

Lexi was considered a safe zone :P

Our neighbors have kids that are just a little older than Caleb and he LOVES playing with Gunnar, Keegan and Sawyer!

Got Daddy a superhero card for Father's Day (of course):
Caleb wasn't feeling well so he and Daddy went down to the basement for a nap:

Sasha Belle was our houseguest for a little while!

Papi and Caleb in a tough memory battle:

Lexi finally fit into the Aggie gear from Bryan and Kristen!

Caleb wanted his picture taken.

Gig'Em bottom!

Hot stuff up in the rocking chair:

Caleb and Papi playing with play-doh and making bracelets:

Her little top knot kills me!

Trying so hard to cut some teeth!

Before Papi and Yaya left :(

We went and had family pics taken in the lavender fields - here is one I snapped with my phone:

Our mornings!

Starting early with an Aggie football!

Such a happy girl!

She is into everything!

Bubby using his microphone to talk to Lexi:

Lexi trying to grab it away.

I'm pretty sure she'll always look up to him and adore him.

We packed a lunch and headed to a little spot on the Potomac where we could watch the boats!

I'm the most convenient jungle-gym!

Caleb with his first soccer medal (for participation)

Our fur babies.

Little Huck Finn wanted to wear his bibs just like his Daddy while out in the yard.

Watermelon kiddos!

More bubbles!

Swim lessons started for Caleb!

Lexi was so excited that she got to play in the water during his lesson!

Batman suit.

His favorite - the mushroom.

Little Miss can touch the ground when she's in the go-pod now!

My boy.

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