Friday, October 4, 2013

Caleb's 1st Birthday!

One year already!

Our little man successfully turned our lives upside down and we couldn't have been happier about the change. He is amazing, inspiring and the absolute center of our little universe! We had no idea what we were doing when he first entered our lives, but with a steep learning curve we quickly adjusted to life as a family of 3 (5 with furbabies).
Caleb is extremely intelligent, but with that comes mischievousness! He has a tendency to ignore someone if they are talking if he is concentrating on something (much like his Daddy, Uncle Bryan and Uncle Jeff!). He also has a "concentration" face that he makes while trying to figure something out - also just like his Daddy! At his one year check up he was 30.25" long and 21.05 lbs! He started cow milk out of a sippy cup and took a little while to adjust to the idea! This month he started waving 'bye-bye' all on his own! He loves playing with the shape sorter and when Papi chases him around like a monster. He also gained an interest in books and starts to bring books to whoever will hold them so he can turn the pages! He still isn't interested in sitting still long enough to read a book - but its a start!
Michael and I got him his own little chair to hang out in ... we gave it to him the morning of his birthday and here he is with Daddy watching Saturday cartoons:

The cake and smashcake along with his hat and shirt:

Birthday decorations!

We only had our friends, Michael and Linda, and Yaya and Papi here for his birthday so it was a small affair. We were grateful to have people we love help us celebrate!
Yaya and Papi with their 5th grandbaby!

This is Caleb's favorite face to make right now:

Mommy, Caleb and Yaya!

Papi showing Caleb his cakes ... he only nabbed a little frosting out of the big cake :)

Chillin' in his new arm chair:

Eating pizza for lunch:

Getting him ready for cake! Strip that baby down!

Wasn't too sure about the hat at first ...

He grew to enjoy it though!

Sugar?! What is this delicousness?

Starting to get into it ...

Even Piggy got a little taste!

Yaya helping him out:

Our baby's first birthday!

Mama helping him:


Really getting into it now ...

A really good smash job!

Checking out his #1:

Yaya adjusting his hat so he could see better:

Getting full ... of sugar.


Opening some presents:

So done:

Time for a clean up!

After Daddy took him upstairs and gave him a bath:

Playing (and thoroughly enjoying) his birthday balloons while on a super sugar high!

He ran all around the downstairs punching and dragging his balloons!

He got a super cute little bbq so that he can help Daddy grill out!

Searching for supplies:

Opening more presents:

A successful first year!

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