Wednesday, October 9, 2013

July 2013 - On the Road!

Our first stop along our cross-country trek was Bangs, Texas to see Caleb's great-grandparents, P-Mo and Pop Daddy!
Here is Caleb with his great grandmother Oneita!

He loved seeing his P-Mo again!

Hard to deny that this is Piglet's sister, Aggie.

P-Mo and Caleb swinging on the porch swing:

Piggy is a good little traveler :)

Stretching our legs in Alabama!

We stayed a couple of days with Krista and Roger - their pup, Marcus, wanted Caleb's cheerios so bad!

Marcus quickly learned about Caleb's throwing habit :/

Caleb looking outside at the pool longingly (or just messing with the blinds, whatever) ...

We were able to enjoy lots of great wine and amazing food - they are superb chefs!

Neiman is such an awesome cat. I love him.

Aunt Krista getting some goodbye snuggles ...

So serious ... he didn't want to get back in the car :( 

On the road ... again.

Then ... we finally made it to North Carolina to see my brother's family!
Scout and Caleb are only 8 months apart!

Savannah loved to come and help us get Caleb ready for bed:

... and she helped him play with the toys!

Singing into the kitty microphone.

Eating cheerios and looking outside.

He loves his letters!

Caleb got lots of girly time! He doesn't have many "pretties" at our house, but he thoroughly enjoyed the girly toys (to Michael's chagrin)!

Gyro bowls!

We went to the children's museum while Michael went house hunting up in Virginia.
Caleb with the safety goggles:


Playing with the cow that would moo:

Lots of magnetic gears! He was in hog heaven!

Two sticks. 

Driving the emergency vehicle with his cousin:

He loves the little table and chairs to look at/"read" books.

We were able to go see my brother do a "Hollywood-style" jump on Ft. Bragg! He is the one in the middle of the picture!

Jeff's chalk:

The kids waiting for Jeff to walk up after his jump:

High high in the sky!

Jeff with Savannah and Olivia:

Me, Caleb and my bro!

All of us!

Cousins holding hands on the way home :)

Savannah showed me how to play HP on the Xbox.

We went and ran a 5k on Ft. Bragg (Mandy didn't since she was due in 3 months with CJ!!)

Daddy and Caleb after the run:

This is the first time he has ever fallen asleep in the stroller while I worked out ... I jogged with the big girls and none of us could believe that he fell asleep!

Caleb tried corn-on-the-cob for the first time - and LOVED it!! He's his mama's boy :)

Scout and Caleb playing with the free water bottles from the 5K:

Snuggled in to go shopping up at the outlets!

The cousins right before we left to go see our new house in Virginia!

Bailey immediately hid under the desk and Caleb looked for toys to play with. He settled on my shoes.

His bag of toys! So excited!

He still hates to sleep in a pack and play so we brought him to bed one morning ... Daddy and Caleb all snuggled in on the air mattress:

Piggy was snuggled in too :P

Little cheesy grin as he played with his portable chair.

Booster booty!

We were able to receive our HHG shipment the second day at the house ... whoop!

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