Monday, October 7, 2013

June 2013

We headed up to Cardiff at the beginning of June to check out their local market and pick up some "Cardiff crack" - super deliciously seasoned tri-tip ... worth the drive! Caleb wore his preppy hat so that we'd fit in :)

He started to really get into books ...

... and wanted us to look at them with us, but wouldn't sit still for us to read them to him.

 He still loves his squishy soccer ball and being on Mom and Dad's bed!


Bath time!

Milk time after a nap!

Playing with Mama's feet ...

Helping Daddy put together his new slide!

"Are you sure I can't help?"

The supervisor.

Checking out his view:

Trying to climb back up after he went down:

He loves to watch out the sliding glass door and watch any animals that happen to come in our yard ...


Hat still fits :)

Snuggles with Mama!

He loves to pack around his singing dog:

Figuring out what Mama is up to:

Went down to Ocean Beach so that we could make a summertime handprint plate and then we spent a little time at the beach before grabbing some lunch:

Helping celebrate Auntie Linda's birthday!

Baby whisperer at work:

There are no rules with Uncle Michael ...

Happy as a clam :)

Daddy working with Caleb on his spoon skills:

Bailey in a box ...

Visiting Daddy at work!

Teething sucks.

Stretches after an afternoon nap:

I'm up now though!

Early morning cartoons in his own chair:

Uncle Garrett came to visit!

Eating dinner down at Slater's 50/50 in Point Loma.

Brothers, burgers and beers!

Uncle Garrett showed Mama and Daddy that I could stay quiet if I got to play with their phone ...

Playing with Uncle G!

Wagon ride!

Just a week after Uncle G left, P-Mo came to visit!

It was H-O-T and this rental didn't have any air conditioning (UGH!) ... so Caleb got to splash in his little pool outside!

P-Mo even put the slide in to make it more fun!


So much cooler in the water!

Little footprints :)

... he even got to hang out in his diaper because it was so hot!

Loves his Elmo drill ...

Concentrating on pushing the button:

We went to Michael's MALS-11 farewell on base!

We also got to go to the San Diego County Fair!
His first corndog!

... and we went and saw the animals (my favorite!)

Looking at the lambs with Daddy:

Touching it!!!

My roommate from Texas A&M was up at Port Hueneme for a Naval training exercise so she got to come visit us one weekend!
Piggy, Trang and Caleb!

Playing ball:

It had been 10 years since we had seen one another - and it was so awesome that we got to catch up! I missed this girl tons!!

Daddy and Caleb zoning out:

Super snuggles:

P-Mo, Daddy and Caleb making some chicken fried steak - yum!

This was our last full month in San Diego ... we're NOT excited about moving back East.

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