Thursday, May 24, 2012

First Few Weeks with Caleb ...

There has definitely been a steep learning curve for these new parents the past couple of weeks!  Even with the lack of sleep, we are enjoying every minute of Caleb :)
Lots of snuggles:
 He will finally sit/sleep in his vibrating chair and the swing - which helps us out tremendously b/c then we aren't forced to hold him and try to get things done around the house!
 Little Angel Boy:
 Jeff, Mandy and the girls sent some super cute flowers to the hospital!

 Michael's Dad and Step-mom came in from Vegas to meet their newest grandson!
Jan holding Caleb:

 Steve having deja-vu holding a baby that looks just like Michael did when he was a newborn!
 Yaya stayed a little longer and was able to get some good snuggling in with Caleb:
 I caught one of his little smiles :)
 He is a super stretcher!  He likes to extend all of his limbs out as far as they'll go ... and then fall back asleep.  Swaddling can be a bit of a challenge :P
 He loves his play-gym - the lights/music and the octopus can keep him entertained for about 10-15 minutes!  He likes it when we put his lion beneath it so he can fall asleep on it:
 This is how I got through class one night (I Skyped into the class to listen to the lecture) - him on the boppy on top of me!
 He loves bathtime!
 Michael and Caleb love their naps - Michael woke up with a Caleb - scarf because he kept creeping up Michael's chest :)
 Baby blue-eyes!
 He is SO alert - always looking around!
 ... and then crashing hard.

He is such a little cutie!!

Caleb Michael Hager

He's here!  Caleb was born on May 3, 2012 at 1221
7 lbs 9 oz; 20.5 inches long

Caleb's baby story:
It was a tough delivery for me :(  I was induced on May 1 and labored for 27 hours (one week past my due date). When I checked in to the Naval Hospital I wasn't dilated at all so we had to start from ground zero. The first night was uncomfortable, but by noon timeframe the next day I was feeling some serious pain!  The medicine they gave me wasn't dilating me to to the point where they could start the Pitocin so I got the joy of having a foley bulb inserted into my cervix and having nurses come by every 30 minutes to pull on it and have it re-taped to my leg! At that point I asked for some pain meds (injected into my IV).  It was like heaven ... but it only lasted for about 45 minutes at a time.  The male nurse finally came in and gave it a good tug and the foley bulb popped out - I was now at 4 cm!  I then asked for the epidural.  Michael will forever laugh at the thought of me trying to "taste the penny" to make sure the needle was in the right place!  The epidural was a lifesaver because I still had to go about another 12 hours before he got here!  I hit the little epidural button like it was cool (it would max out and I wouldn't get the "juice" until I had passed a certain timeframe though).  The next time I was checked I had gotten to 6 cm so I had some waiting to do.  At 7 cm they determined that he was a little transverse so I had to start switching sides every 20 minutes to try and get him to turn.  At the one hour mark the midwife checked me again and I was at 10 cm!  They then prepped the room and started to have me push with just Michael and the nurse's help.  After 20 minutes she told me to stop pushing because we needed the midwife to catch the baby!  The midwife and the Corpsman came in and 10 minutes later he was here!  He had to be spanked to get him to breathe once he was out, but he was perfect in every way!  He had flipped and turned so much while inside me that he had put a perfect knot in his umbilical cord!  Within two hours we were in a recovery room trying to figure out how to be parents!

Just delivered baby Caleb on my chest:
 Under the heat lamp:
 Michael cutting the umbilical cord:
 Tired baby boy:
 SUPER proud Daddy!

 Hanging out in our recovery room:

 On our way home - first car ride!
 This blanket was made by one of Michael's Sergeant's mother who is a Navajo Indian:
 At home in a froggy outfit ... doing "froggy sit":

Michael and Caleb taking a nap:
 Yaya and Caleb rocking and snuggling:
 Papi rocking Caleb - this is Papi's favorite thing to do!

 Piggy and Bailey have been adjusting well!
 Me and Caleb snuggling:

 Michael with his "mini-me" :)

 Yaya, Caleb and I:
 Yaya loves her little Caleb!
What an amazing life change this has been - we have been so blessed with this little boy and love him beyond words!