Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Caleb's 2nd Birthday!

Not sure what we were thinking. We started off Caleb's 2nd birthday by having a garage sale ... so we were up and going by 0630. Ooof!!  Since we needed to be outside in order to set up, Caleb got his "mi-ah" (milk) and "oh-ohs" while he was playing.

We even made a make-shift table for him :)

He didn't mind though ... he got to ride his scooter around before it was even 0800 and that made him happy :)

The biggest hit at the party ... the stupid balloons.

Party decorations!

He got a little ambitious and pulled some presents out of the bag before we opened all of the gifts :P

Playing with Sladen, Landon and Hunter ... up and down and up and down the hill with the balls ...

Hunter and Caleb :)

Jumping in the bounce house!

Eating supper outside with his cousins (Kenan and Sladen) and Hunter:

the spread:

Making elephant noises while bringing out the cake:

Eating a cupcake!

Yummo! Funfetti cake with homemade buttercream frosting!

Opening presents!

Little Stetson slept through the festivities!

Caleb was pretty tired after the full day!

Hugs to Landon before they left :)

Playing with his dinosaur/car robot!

It was a lot of work - but worth it to celebrate Caleb's 2nd birthday! He may not be talking as much as other kids, but he is such a sweet boy and turning into an awesome helper to me :) He loves being around Piggy and Bailey (although they may not feel the same way), and always asks "Where Ga-ggy"? when Michael goes to work. He brings me Piggy and Bailey's bowls for their morning and evening meals and loves to set them down and say "Go Puppy", "Go Kitty" so they know to go eat. We got him a new-to-him twin race car bed for his birthday and he transitioned without a huge issue! Michael has only had to lay with him a couple times to help him sleep and nap times haven't been an issue at all! He loves to climb the big rock at the playground and speeds down all of the slides without any help (even racing Daddy when Michael goes up with him). His favorite books are still Goodnight Moon and Owl Moon. He finds the mouse in Goodnight Moon and squeaks "eek", and he hoots like an owl with Daddy in Owl Moon. He has great concentration when building block towers (big and small), but he loves to kick them down just as much! Can't believe its been two years since he came into our lives ... and I honestly can't remember what our lives were like without him. They definitely weren't this much fun!

Easter 2014 and Baby Gender Reveal!

My brother and his family came up from Ft. Bragg, NC to spend Easter with us and to help find out the gender of baby # 2!
Cousins playing Playstation ... the gaming blood runs deep in these little ones :)
Olivia was amazing with Caleb - both her and Savannah were such helpers keeping him entertained!

Dying eggs on the back porch. Caleb's first time getting to do so ... he wasn't really into it ;P

Jeff with his girls dying a bunch of eggs :)

I got some good snuggles with little CJ!

Trouble #1 and Trouble #2. Desperately wanting to go and play kickball with the neighborhood kids in the cul-de-sac.

Michael getting some CJ snuggles while in his pjs :)

Savannah and the little ones!

The troupe took a walk to a park so the little ones could get out some energy ... they somehow conned Michael into pulling them in the wagon :)

Michael and Jeff pushing the kids on the swings:

All of the kids ... for a brief second :)

Savannah and Caleb sliding down!

Easter smiles from CJ!

Time to find out the gender by cutting the cake! If the inside frosting is Pink = girl, blue frosting = boy!
PINK!!! We're having a baby girl!!!

So excited to add a baby girl to our family!!

Easter morning baskets!

More good stuff to play with!

Michael with Scout and Caleb before church:

I love Caleb's face in this one :)

Jeff with his boy :)

The best family pic we could get :/

All of the kids at church:

Hunting eggs after church!

All of the egg hunters!

Can't believe we're having a baby girl! Our world is going to be turned upside down again ... not just because of a baby - but because we have no idea what we're in for! We can't wait though!!