Saturday, August 1, 2015

Caleb's First Stitches

At the end of May we had our first trip to the ER for stitches :(
I was giving Michael a haircut and Caleb was supposed to be playing with his cars.  However, he was jumping on the couch to hit his balloon and fell off and hit the coffee table with his chin.  He split open the inside and outer part of his lip and it was a nightmarish scene with blood!  We doused him in Peace and Calming Essential Oil and he immediately calmed down (thank GOD!). Even the nurses at the hospital were amazed at how calm he was!
Waiting to go back.

Waiting for the Doc.  Caleb made sure to ask the doctor if he was a Batman doctor.  Good thing the doctor was so that he could work on Caleb :)

Hardest. Thing. Ever. Seeing your baby in pain.  They couldn't put any topical numbing medicine on him because of where the cut was, so they had to wrap him like a taquito in a sheet to restrain him and give him the numbing shots. He was such a trooper!!

Popsicles make things better.

On the way home from the hospital:

Day 1:

Day 2:

 Day 3:

Day 5 (stitches out!):

So much better in only 5 days! Thank God for Frankincense to help speed up the healing process!

May 2015

May was a big month for Caleb - he turned 3! May was also a tough month because Alexis started sleeping even worse than she had been :( She is such a HORRIBLE sleeper - lol!! She is 26" long and only 15 lbs 11 oz. She is a great napper and goes to sleep just fine but she wants to eat all the time (3-4x per night!). She loves eating waffles, blueberries, bananas, mac and cheese and REAL chicken and pork (not baby food). She will only eat 2-3 kinds of baby food and will turn her nose up at everything else. She started using a sip cup with some water and uses it more like a teething toy :P She also started blowing raspberries, growling (all the time) and making lots of funny faces. Her biggest milestone (and probably part of our sleep problem) this month was that she cut her bottom two teeth! She also started crawling and pulling up - so many new things to practice! Her favorite part of the day is bath time ... we'll strip her down and she'll crawl right to the bath from her room!
One of her many funny faces:

Puffs :)

Making sure her new bonnet fit for our vacation in June!

Helping Mama make Spiderman cupcakes:

The fun part.

Kind of happy Daddy is home ...

... but mad that he had left her.


Monkey pjs!

Before she started crawling, she would roll everywhere! This is how she would get around in the bathroom while I showered:

Strawberries and eggs!

He LOVES his lego Superman!

... in his very own zoom car.

Caleb's first high tower built all by himself!

We headed to a park on a warm afternoon and the kids got some outside time! Lexi is still a little wobbly sitting up, but loved watching all of the kids running around!

I purchased this outfit for Lexi's newborn pics ... it now fits at 9 months :P

...eventually a car made its way in to the photo shoot.

and Superman.

... aaannd we're done.

Teething biscuits helped a little bit.

Caleb got Hulk gloves for his birthday. (*shaking head*)

Still getting stuck under the couch.

9 months!!!!

love her squishy mean face.

Outside playing with her Bubby!

My. Mornings.

In her Bubby's Devildog camo pjs.

He's a picture-taker (He LOVES his camera from his birthday party)! He loves to tell you to say "cheese" and then he tells you what Superhero you get to be from the picture on the back of the camera.

Caleb learned how to take pictures with my phone.

Baby Girl can pull up on the crib!

An afternoon fro-yo treat!

Hanging out on the porch after a rain storm.

Caleb also learned about selfies.

...and then took my camera again.

Good Morning?

Guacamole on a spoon.  Super fun!

Hi Mama! All dressed up for the last MOPS meeting!

Fancy shoes to come and nurse.

Strawberries and roses from my family on Mother's Day!

Working on getting those two teeth to come through!

Mother's Day breakfast!

We went up to see Jeff and his family for Mother's Day dinner in their new Springfield house!

CJ :)

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to open the drawers, Mama?"

Backwards underoos.  Oops.

She fit into Caleb's Hawaiian onesie from Maui!

Our little bath time kitty cat!

Getting better at pulling up on everything!

Checking out Daddy's cover while at the commissary.

bite. test.

Smiley girl!

Another awesome high tower on wheels!

Getting to play in the basement with her Bubby!


First wagon ride for Lexi! SOO awesome to see both kiddos in the wagon together!

She loves the swings!

What I see while I'm trying to get dressed in the mornings ... she creeps out of her room and drags herself around :)

I GOT SPIDEY!!  She LOVES Caleb's Spiderman doll.

Porch rockin' smiles!

Learning how to bear crawl.

Nekkid baby getting to her bath!


Learning the walker buttons:

Poor Caleb had a horrible reaction to a sunscreen :(

Thank goodness for the essential oils! We scanned him with a zyto scanner and we had the stuff he scanned for! 

After only a few hours we were able to significantly reduce the swelling and redness!

More legos :)

We took our first Metro ride up to DC with some family and friends to visit the zoo!
Nana and Caleb on the train:

Lunch at the zoo!

Mandy had a sit and stand ... and ended up pushing Scout (standing), Caleb (sitting) and CJ (sitting) :P

Fighting a nap ...


... finally out.  But only for 20 minutes :/

Our typical Saturday morning wake up!

Granny J and Granddad came to visit!  Granny J got to play lots of Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel.

... and pinball.

... and books.

... and snuggle time!

Michael and his Dad worked on the Pony!

All tangled up!

Spiderman with his Spiderman.

Granddad Steve getting the kite ready for Caleb to fly! (I LOVE Piggy's ears in this one!)

Handing it off to Caleb!

His first time to ever fly a kite!

Lexi and her Granddad:

Checking on the car:

Bryan and his family came down to help! 
Bryan and the two "little" ones :)

Steve and his boys.

Granny J, Granddad and the grandkids!

Buckle up Lexi ... time to ride.

First bath with both kiddos!

Tickled pink to be standing up with the incrediblock!

Taking a ride in the zoom car!

Enjoying the good weather and playing ball with Daddy!

Comin' to get you Mama!

We headed up as a family to DC and visited the Museum of Natural History!
Caleb and the dinosaurs.

Best part was eating at the food trucks!

and Caleb actually took a nap outside of the house! 

He promptly woke up to watch the motorcycle rally though!

Daddy hugs down in the metro:

Lexi took at quick cat-nap while on the train too!

Helping Daddy cut biscuits for breakfast!

Its a new fashion trend.  Cowboy boots up to your thighs. He's a true Aggie :P

Teething is SO hard!

We had a turtle come visit us!

She loves playing with the beads on the block!

What's an iPad!?!

... but most mornings she wakes up so sweet!

Her favorite toy.  A door stopper.  We now have no door stoppers in the house.

Her own chair!

Yaya and Papi came into town at the end of the month!
Getting some zooms with Papi!

and tickles :)

Bathtime giggles!

Ruh. Roh.  Time to lower the crib mattress!

Practicing walking with Papi!

More Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel!

Cuddles with Yaya:

Baby Chucks!


I'm gonna do it Mama!

We finally had a yard sale and were able to unload some stuff!

Sasha-Belle stayed with us for awhile and she loves to be around everyone!

Even when I had some ladies over for a get together she had to be down with us!

I can pull up and see you Mama!

Hugs for Bubby!

A needed haircut!

Much better!

I played kickball this year and this was our last game - it was so hot!