Thursday, April 24, 2014

March 2014

At the beginning of the month we went to the library down the street to celebrate Dr. Seuss! Caleb got to color and watch the big kids play games. I love how much he loves to "color" now!
He gets very serious about it:

Then after church we went to Bob Evans for some breakfast and he got down to business right away:

He got really into trains this month - all on his own. He started saying "choo choo" and pulling an imaginary horn and it wasn't until I looked at the book that I realized he was imitating a train!

A dear old friend sent me some cookies for my birthday and our household developed a little cookie thief!

Pushing out his belly while eating an afternoon snack:

New duds:

Bathtime (aka "a ba") is the highlight of any day!

We got snow a couple more times (ugh) and I finally relented and took Caleb outside to play - which he loved!

He especially loved his ghetto snow boots (i.e. rain boots):

Afterwards he came in and warmed up by the fire with Momma!

Michael made me a funfetti cake for my birthday and Caleb got to lick the beaters for the first time:

Riding the little carousel up at Potomac Mills:

Enjoying dinner with Daddy at the Cheesecake Factory:

Baileycat still loves to snuggle with me at night:

My little CrossFit workout partner pushes me to get done faster! He's moving the jump rope so fast that you can't see it in the picture!

Bunny ears for Easter!

Still best friends all snuggled up:

Caleb eating his morning Oh's with the furbabies:

Caleb and Michael did some yard work:

Heading to church!

Worked up an appetite while playing in the nursery so we went and got some lunch:

He loves the fireman hat!

He played with it so much that Daddy had to fix it with some duct tape:

More snow.

He made himself a make-shift desk for his snack and computer:

His own personal train:

21 weeks!

Working on his lock puzzle at the new kitchen table:

Eating his snack in bed and watching Einsteins while I catch a shower after a workout:

He really loves pb&j now!

We got to see baby #2 on the big sonogram up at Ft. Belvoir! We didn't find out the gender until Easter weekend (and it killed me to wait so long)!

4-D ultrasound!

Caleb got a trike to ride!

Not all peaches and cream ... screaming for one reason or another.

But most of the time he is such a happy little boy and he is so awesome!!

22 weeks!

We went to a trampoline house to help celebrate Caleb's cousin's birthdays (Kenan and Sladen)! He had to wear a helmet:

Michael and Caleb getting a safety brief:

He wasn't so sure about it to begin with:

But he quickly got into it:

Both Daddy and Caleb landing on their back (with Uncle Bryan looking on):

He had SO much fun - and he slept SO hard that night! Michael was sore for days afterwards!

March was a great month for us! Caleb and I started attending a MOPS group twice a month where we both get to play and enjoy the company of our peers, and he really likes going to the weekly story time at the library down the street. Shakey eggs are his favorite and he is usually the first to the basket to get his egg and bring it back to me. He discovered his "be-bo" (belly button) and he'll pull up his shirt (or someone else's) to poke his "be-bo". Michael and Caleb read lots of books at night, but the funniest is when he gets read Owl Moon. Caleb likes to hoot like an owl, but when you hoot back at him he starts talking in a deep voice back at you (no idea what he is saying).