Monday, September 5, 2011

Del Mar Racetrack

Our friends Michael and Linda invited us to the horse races over at Del Mar! Neither me, Michael or her Michael had ever been so we had lots of 'beginners luck'! We had a winner in 7 of the 10 races!
Linda, me and Michael with our bets for the first race!
The track is right next to the ocean - gorgeous!!
Bringing the starting gate around:
Parading the horses before the race:
Loading the horses:
Both Michael's had winners to cash in!
... and they're off!!
Hot air balloons in the background!
Michael and I in front of the track!
We'll definitely be going again next year when the race season starts again - it was so much fun!!


For some reason I've really gotten into bird watching so we put up a bird feeder filled with wild bird feed:
Well ... it was for me AND Bailey-cat. We're trying to keep her off the couches so we got her a stand to sleep on where she could look out the window at the birds and lizards :)
She likes it!
The only drawback is that it is attracting field mice and squirrels ... so I guess we need to push it further back in the tree (over the driveway)!
Piglet is still a sunbather:
I put my hummingbird feeder in the corner on the deck so we can enjoy them while we sit in the rocking chairs! They are such neat little creatures!
They are very territorial so it is rare to actually have 3 drinking at the same time!
We see lots of mid-air battles like this!
Random picture - how much fresher does the homemade pico look than the store bought!!
I was working on a research paper and the kids snuggled up with me :)
Bailey and 'kitty' having a stare-off :P
One afternoon I looked down at the driveway from the deck only to see 5 huge turkeys walking up the drive!!
We love it out here!! (minus the scorpions, tarantulas and snakes - of course)

The House (a year later)

We thought it would be fun to show how much the house has changed in the last year!
The living room:
Our bedroom:
The kitchen:
The dining room:
Looking from upstairs down:
The 'I love Michael' room (which needs to be updated):
The upstairs bathroom:
The other guest bedroom:
The media room:
Looking downstairs from the media room:
The inside of the kitchen:
The garage:
Lots of changes throughout the year! :)

Michael's 31st Birthday!

We had a quiet celebration this year for Michael's 31st birthday - I got him a Keurig and a video game. We both started grad school so a cup of coffee in the afternoon in his office is just the ticket for the late night classes!
He was more then a little excited for the homemade carrot cake for his birthday!

Happy Birthday!!

Last day in Paris: the Louvre and the Pantheon

On the last day we had in Paris we went and visited the Louvre museum. This time buying tickets ahead of time really did pay off since we got to walk right into the museum!
Heading down into the glass pyramid:

Venus de Milo:
Winged Victory of Samothrace:
Apollo Gallery: the crown jewels
... and there she is - the Mona Lisa. Last time I was in here she was in the main gallery, but they now have her on a wall all to herself in a more private room. It was a madhouse - what you can't tell from this picture is that there are approximately 100 people scrambling and pushing like mad to get a picture ... all at the same time. Ugh.
We randomly headed into the Richelieu Wing to see Napoleon's Apartments - and they were fabulous!

Under the smaller pyramid:
Our last stop before we went to the train station was the Pantheon - yes, the Pantheon in Paris :) This was literally across the street from our hotel (you would look just to the right). It ended up being a neat sight!
The outside:
Below was a crypt with famous French artists, scientists, etc:
Marie and Pierre Curie:
There was an amazing clock established in 1851 to illustrate the rotation of the earth. It uses a Foucault pendulum that is bolted to the Pantheon roof. The ball in the picture swings back and forth all the way across the clock and tells time as the earth moves!
A full view (the wire attaching the ball is attached up in the dome):
After we were done here we jumped in a cab to the train station to take our overnight train back to Rome so we could fly home. 34 hours later we arrived back in SoCal! A big thanks to my dad for watching our bebes and the house while we were gone!

This was definitely a trip of a lifetime :)