Thursday, February 22, 2007

Our old house

Not that she's just a little bit indulged...but while at Petsmart yesterday I found a little squirrel toy for Pigdog. It even has a replaceable squeaker! She is a true "squirrel hunter" here on base so I thought it would give her some satisfaction of finally catching one. I had to hold the toy though b/c she runs too fast for a picture when she has it in her mouth. She's a real fast runner.These pictures will probably be boring for everyone else, but I didn't want to clutter up Michael's email...these are pics of our old house that are being renovated by the Privatized Housing coorporation.

This is from behind the house.
Looking at our old bedroom and the kitchen window with the new addition of a garage!
From "Ben's yard".

Looking straight on as if from Gordon and Regan's old house (you can still see our flag pole holder in the tree!):
From "Earmuff's house":
I had to hold the camera through a fence and Piglet kept pulling on her leash, also in my hands, so that is my excuse if they are blurry!

1 comment:

MSB said...

Your news is great!! We are excited for you guys! I have seen the AFN commercials, the military resorts there are GORGEOUS! We can't wait to come visit! We love you both... your fellow military wife.