Monday, November 25, 2013

CMU MBA Graduation

Even though Michael and I received our MBA diplomas from California Miramar University before we left San Diego, it was a big deal to me to be hooded at the ceremony. So ... Caleb and I flew back and our awesome friends gave us a place to stay and helped out with Caleb while I walked! Michael was unable to go because of his school schedule and everyone at the ceremony kept asking where he was!
Caleb did AMAZING on the flights! We found an empty gate so that he could get out some energy!

Watching the planes:

We were only there for one full day - so we woke up early (Caleb was still on East Coast time) - and went for breakfast burritos at our favorite Mexican food drive through (next to our old house, sniff sniff). We then went to the fantastic park on Miramar to hang out :)
Caleb couldn't get enough of the burrito:

He kept running back over to the bag to pull it out (I was trying to save half for the next day)!

Us before the graduation ceremony!

Michael Moore (aka baby whisperer) kept Caleb more than entertained and quiet during the whole ceremony!

 There was a musician in the lobby and he was enthralled!

Me before the ceremony - THANK YOU Linda for all of the photos!!

Before they presented the diplomas and hoods, I was awarded the Most Outstanding Strategic Management Capstone Project!

Being hooded by the Dean!

The President of the University:

Group photo:

 Caleb came up on stage afterwards and wore my cap around :)

Afterwards we went and celebrated with delicious sushi, but we had to wait for the restaurant to open so Michael took Caleb to get some ice-cream:

... and for a ride in a shopping cart!

He liked the sushi!

The next day he was DONE. He still did amazing on the flights and I am so grateful for his behavior!

A smiley picture for Daddy because we were coming home to him!

A quick dinner at Chick-Fil-A before our last flight!

Whew!  What a whirlwind trip! I am so thankful for wonderful friends and that I was able to experience the graduation ceremony!

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