Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Dreaded SEMI are Back!

It is that time of year again ... the time where we don't get to sleep in b/c of the noise outside.  The semi are back :(  At least during the week I am waking up before the semi to hit the gym so they aren't AS big of an annoyance as before.
Here is Bailey-cat hanging out...
... and then she saw THIS on our screen:

The semi are about 2-3 inches long and about 1.5 inches wide ... and gross.
She was then hooked.
Here's a video from our backyard.  Last year we tried to grill out at our neighbors and it ended up with Matt and Michael doing battle against the semi with fly-swatters for about 1/2 an hour.  I think they killed about 20 b/c they will dive-bomb when they get angry.  Its difficult to even talk on the phone in the house during the early morning/early evening time frames b/c that is when they are most active.

1 comment:

Phillis said...

Love you toe nails. Hate the bugs. Reminds me of the locusts here. Obnoxious!