Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ice Bar - Tokyo

After we hiked Mt. Fuji, we headed back to Tokyo for 2 nights.  We went back to the Garlic House Restaurant (we went there with Jan and Steve and LOVED it) ... they have the best baked escargot!
... we love some garlic dishes:
then we went and hit the Ice Bar.  Included with the cover charge is one free drink and the coat/gloves:
Michael and his drink (the glasses were made out of ice too!)
Its supposed to be -5 degrees C at all times - so cold!
Sitting on fur throws on top of ice benches:
The sculptures built into the walls were great:
the bartender looked like an eskimo:
Michael hanging out:
Together and having fun :)
Michael playing with the ice sculptures:
Me sitting in one of the ice sculptures:

1 comment:

mo said...

Looks like so much fun. I've always seen the ice bars on the travel channels and wondered about them.