Monday, January 2, 2012

Baby Shower for the Bambino!

My sister-in-law, Mandy, threw me a baby shower while we were in Kennewick for Christmas! It was a super small affair since I haven't lived there in over 12 years, but it was still great to see people I normally don't get a chance to see! Mandy did an outstanding job - THANK YOU!! We found out the week before we went North that we are going to have a baby BOY!!
An old middle school/high school friend, Darcy and my neighbor, Janie:
Opening gifts with my mom watching on:
My friend from high school, Monica, was helping to write down the gifts for me:
Another neighbor gave us a box of children's books! The start to our little library!
My newest niece, Scout, with Cheyenne and Evan:
A super-close family friend stopped by and had both my mom and I in tears!!
My mom and I after the shower :)
Darcy and me:
Monica and me:
Darcy has known me forever and she used to make me blue cookies for my birthday ... now she made them to celebrate our baby boy!!
He's in there ;)
Definitely a Michael pic ... me eating the cookie :P
Thank you again for everyone coming out during the holidays - and another big thank you to Mandy!!

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