Sunday, September 29, 2013

February 2013

9 months!
At Caleb's 9 month check up he was 27.5" and weighed 18.12 lbs. He was adept at feeding himself at each meal which made things a lot easier for me! One of his favorite games was hide and go seek with daddy in the family room (running around the recliner) and he loved to "push the button" on the incrediblock to release the blocks! He really liked eating avocados, waffles, blueberries, prunes, blackberries and yogurt. He goes on spurts where he likes raspberries and then he doesn't (same thing with blueberries and strawberries too). He worked on saying his "b's" and "d's" and he is a SUPER fast crawler! Caleb and I went back to TRO-W to see my old colleagues and they had a ball crawling up and down the hallways with Caleb playing hide and seek! He started wearing shoes more often now that he was "cruising" and especially when visiting Daddy to work out on base - the turf gets hot doing CrossFit workouts and he loves to be a CrossFit baby! He also started clicking his tongue back and forth with me and finds it amusing :)
Cutest puppy dog feet ever:

We went and surprised our friend Michael for his birthday!

Hanging with mom at the house:

Our friend John stopped by for dinner and Caleb roped him into playing with him :)

This boy LOVES his walks outdoors!

Everything is better upside down!

CrossFit baby!!

 Makeshift playpen :)

Mores smiles on a walk:

Yes - it belongs upside down so I can saw on it and drive my cars.

Early morning toy hunting ...

... catch a monkey by its tail?

Evidently the monkey fought back :(

We had our first major boo boo - even had to rush him to the doc so they could check him out. He was playing in our room while I got ready and while on his knees he fell forward and his forehead landed square on the corner of a wall. You can see the bruise is perfectly straight! Poor baby!!

Still recuperating from his fall - but Daddy wanted to try out Broken Yolk for breakfast and was deeply disappointed in their food. Caleb, on the other hand - loved the attention and getting to eat off the table!

Stare off with Mama:
Slide time at the park next to our house!

He loves to go fast down the slides!

Checking out the toddler chairs at Ikea:

... and that squishy soccer ball again - his fave!


Thank goodness he got his Daddy's stunning blue eyes!

He loves feeding himself - so much more freedom!

Daddy made it home for bath time - a highlight for both of them!

He loves this little ducky lovey and makes little cooing noises everytime he sees it :)

Yep - upside down to spin the wheels and check it out.

Grabbing mama's camera ...

More laughing while eating!

Caleb's First Valentines Day!!
All dudded up in his "tie" :)

Waiting for Mommy to get her allergy shot ...

Visiting Daddy at his office!

John stopped by to get some cuddles!

Mama got some flowers from Daddy :)

He loved (eating) his cards!

He needed to see if this one worked the same way as the rest of the toys with wheels:

High high in the sky!!

Tippy toes to see over the gate:

Morning playtime:

Celebrating the closing of our house with Beef Bourguignon and an Italian Chianti Classico from Casa Emma that we brought back with us from Tuscany!

Smashed potatoes!! He loved smashing them with his hands!

Smiley boy!
Loving on the ducky lovey (those were kisses - he wasn't biting it) :)

Cruising right along!

Portable sippy cup and pulling Momma's hair :/

Shake shake shake real fast!!

Seeing his growth chart for the first time!

Playing with peek-a-boo monkey:

Yes, Daddy?

Getting a rub down after his bath from Daddy:

Monkey pjs and peek-a-boo monkey :)

More planes!

His hat arrived for his upcoming birthday ...
 Such a cute monkey!

CrossFitting with Daddy in his A&M romper from Marcel and Lori!

 Portable block.

Crazy hair - he needs a haircut!

... and time for the sofa table to leave the enclosed area!

Playing with James and Kathy at TRO-W!

Enjoying the view from the 21st floor!

Seeing it for the first time outside of my belly :)

Ginger and Caleb surveying below:

Hanging out with Kathy in her office!

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