Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Its been awhile ...

So ... its been awhile. Just over a year. Whoops. Over the past 14 months we sold our house and moved into San Diego proper, finished grad school, and then we packed up our house again to move back to Virginia. We had a chance to visit with family along the way but I now need to do quite a bit of catching up so we'll start with last July.
Snuggles with Daddy:

Loving his sock monkey lovey:

Napping on mom and dad's big bed while Momma gets a shower:

First time in the bumbo chair:

 Some outside time on the porch in his swing while Mom and Dad enjoy some coffee:

 Snoozing in the chair:

Tummy time on Dadddy! 

Biting his lower lip (probably staring at the ceiling fan):

The Thinker

Yelling at his favorite toy - the octopus!

Turning his body around so he could come after Momma's camera:

Little fingers!

Visiting Daddy at his office!

Biting the blocks with help from the bumbo:

What we affectionately refer to as "bumbo butt" :)

Sweet sweet boy!

Honestly, the entire first year is a blur but I, thankfully, wrote down everything in his baby book! At his 2 month checkup he was 12 lbs 7 oz, and 25 inches. He finally started sleeping 3-4 hours a night and eating every 3 hours. Caleb found his tongue and could fit all of his fingers into his mouth! He also learned how to roll from front to back and this was when we started smiling and cooing! Its so much more fun when he is animated!

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