Saturday, July 18, 2015

March 2015

Caleb has gotten a lot better at listening to his soccer coach and he really likes Coach Lindsey :)

His favorite game is pretending he is a pirate and looking out through his spyglass :)

A sandwich on a fork.

funny faces :)

Learning how to spin the gears:

bathtime fun!

Super sleepy.

Caleb likes to line up his cars before he crashes them.

Saturday snuggles.

More. Snow. (not the same pic from last month.  ugh).

Squishy face!

One consolation of dealing with the cold.  I LOVE having a fire.  So does Bailey.

7 months!
Aaaaand we got her to move back to the high chair to eat her solids! She consistently eats a good lunch and dinner and really likes the Gerber foods with oatmeal in them. She also loves prunes and puffs (she can pick them up, but can't yet get them into her mouth just yet!). Lexi is now able to roll everywhere! Leave her for a moment and she will roll 8 feet from where you put her down! She is also able to sit up by herself, but she can't get there by herself. She can also push up on her arms when she's on her belly and she graduated from the baby bath to the duck bath!

Silly girl.

Michael took me out to a fantastic dinner for my birthday!  It was AMAZING!! We went to a French Bistro up in Woodbridge and the food was phenomenal.  It was the first time we left both kids with a babysitter too.

Still obsessed with his cowboy boots!

Prune face!

Duck bath!

New coach.  He wasn't happy.

Conehead :p

Put that boy to work! Just kidding ... he wanted to play in the snow and Daddy wasn't home ... so he got the hoe and had a blast.


We were on a walk to the retaining pond on the trail behind our house.

Someone wasn't feeling 100%.

teething much?!

Nekkid booty!

She loves jumping in the bouncer!

We grabbed some Chic-Fil-A on a day that wasn't bitterly cold and went to the park to meet Daddy! Unfortunately, Daddy couldn't meet us so we just went and played :)

We had Caleb join a different soccer program that was structured much more efficiently - he learned so much! (this is "control" of the ball) :)

Squishy in the jumper.

Darcy sent me birthday cookies! Yum!!

My handsome Bubby.

Hanging out while I got ready.

Ready for MOPS!

A doctor's visit before MOPS and Daddy was able to meet us there!

Mesmerized by glow baby.

We made a cool cross craft at MOPS that I put in Lexi's room!

Daddy and his baby girl before church:

Didn't make it through the sermon:

Lunch afterwards!

Pictures are getting tough ... she is a mover and a shaker!

Monkey pjs! These pjs are the only thing that I purchased when I found out I was pregnant! 

Playing with Daddy's heat resistant gloves!

Butternut squash in the mesh holder!

Sidewalk chalk!

Alexis' first St. Patrick's Day!

She LOVES him!

We're awake!!!

Caleb decided to make the loveys kiss.

Look who came to snuggle ... with Michael!!!

Kicking/playing with her vanity!

Snuggled in during lunch out!


Passport photos! So cute!!

Helping Mama bake!

Michael bought Caleb a sit-n-spin!

Caleb's friend Gunner had a birthday and they brought over a really yummy piece of cake with a Ninja Turtle napkin.  The napkin was a bigger hit (**shakes head**).

Hanging out in the crib:

Got a sock off.

Rolling around.

Sibling love.

Getting really good at pushing up!

Sweet pea in her Spring ducky outfit!

Little legs while nursing.

Her first time in basket of the shopping cart (yeah!!).

Multiple Easter dresses? Then you get to wear them before Easter!


My baby girl!

His bebes.

Super pumped about getting to take a ride on the parachute.

...and making popcorn pop.

... and finally getting to ride on the carousel after the last practice!

She loves her pink elephant!


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