Wednesday, April 11, 2007


They're back...and with a vengeance. As the days of the deployment start to dwindle down, the number of anxiety attacks I am having has started to rise dramatically. They suck and the only cure is to eat something. I guess it doesn't help that I have weirdos calling the house at 9:40pm asking all sorts of personal questions, telling me details about my life and then hanging up. That definitely makes for a good night's sleep. Not to mention when the "kids" were getting their blood drawn yesterday (to start their quarantine) we had blood everywhere and two pissed off little animals to deal with all day. I think the stress level would go down if we could just have some decent weather! How am I supposed to paint signs when it is 45 degrees and thunderstorms?! I'm SO already done with this deployment. The only shining light during my days are Michael's phone calls telling me that everything will be okay and that he'll rub my back when he gets home :)


Anonymous said...


MSB said...

You need to let your family know when you feel like this... we love you and I am always here to listen when you need to talk.