Thursday, April 17, 2008

Changing Jobs Already...

I got a new job! It's a decent jump as far as responsibilities go, but more importantly it is closer to the career path that I want to pursue. Being a secretary just wasn't my thing. Especially when I spent half the day cruising the internet b/c there wasn't anything to do. So I will be the new Administrative Officer for Facilities Engineer starting in May (the next new pay period). I'm really excited!

Also in May, Michael is slated to become the new Bravo Company Commander for H&S Battalion, MCB Butler. He'll have about 640+ Marines to keep in line (hee hee...this should be fun!)... soooo....lots of changes are in store for us next month!


Anonymous said...

congratulations to both of you!

Darcy Richardson said...

You go to Hawaii more than anyone I know. . . except maybe Suzanne. We did a zipline in Alaska; it was so much fun!

Congrats on the new job!