Wednesday, October 14, 2009

7 Star Park & Elephant Trunk Hill - Guilin

We didn't make the mad-house of a breakfast that the hotel had this morning (also b/c the little kids looked at us funny and refused to sit by us, they were always out of coffee, and there usually wasn't a place to sit) ... so we grabbed some slices of watermelon when we got to 7 Star Park. They were selling cantaloupe slices on a stick too ... but I'm still allergic. I gave it the 'ol college try once again though, only to have my throat start to close up again.
It was a very pretty park that had some pandas, monkeys, rock exhibits, etc. (the panda exhibit was SAD compared to the one in Hong Kong). You got to walk through the scenic portion of the park first:
It smelled really bad by the water:
More decorations for the 60th celebration:
Kung Fu Panda!!
Former President Clinton gave a speech here once. This rock commemorated that speech. I think the rock formation behind me looks like a camel. After here we were forced to go through a rock exhibit. We had to conspire a plan to get out of there without buying anything. Mission accomplished.
After 7 Star Park we went to Elephant Trunk Hill. It looks like an elephant drinking from the water!
After the above pictures we had people coming up to us to have their picture taken with us. Weird huh. I made sure our guide told them we weren't famous or anything special ... just regular Americans. She swears she did.
Then we went down by the water ... and it smelled horrible. It would have been cool to kick back at the little "restaurants" and drink a beer with our feet in the water - but it smelled too bad.
This area was for "lov-ahs" (aka lovers) ... generally the male would buy a good fortune for the female and hang it in the tree here. Michael failed the test. I have no fortune hanging from that tree :)
Our last stop was to see the Silver and Golden Pagodas across Fir Lake (aka Sun and Moon Pagodas):
Finally. We are done with Guilin - on to Hong Kong!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You both look so happy. I'm glad you went and glad your home safe.