Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lunch with Ollie

I just got back from a lunch hosted by Col Oliver North and Fox News. They hosted it for the wives of 1st Battalion 6th Marines. Col North was very friendly and gave a very moving speech that was able to get most of us teary-eyed (not that its hard to do at this point!). His War Stories will be featuring the Marines and wives of 1/6 and will air on Feb. 11th at 8pm. He wanted to show America what goes on while the men are away--that we put our time in too!! Even more special was that Teal Moran was able to be there. She is PCS'ing this week so she was back in town. Both her and her husband are Aggies and Dan is currently in San Antonio re-couping after being hit by a 2nd IED in October.

Not the most flattering picure, but the only one I was able to get with him:
Col North signing pictures...most of the pictures were blurry b/c he kept moving.
During his speech:

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