Monday, January 1, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Okay, okay...enough with the chastising over email. I realize I've been a bad blogger. I ended up getting back to WA for Christmas and had a great time with my family. Getting to see Tay take some steps, the Baby Girl be her "rock star" self, and the Big Girl get into everything was a whole lot of fun! It wasn't as much fun as if Michael had been there, but nonetheless my family did their best. My sis-in-law, Mandy, made an UNBELIEVABLE quilt for Michael and me. Once it gets here (I had to have it shipped) I'll post some pictures. It made me cry on Christmas morning...but it was a good cry! Ryan also got us an indoor/outdoor thermometer that I have been dreaming about for the past year (am I my father's daughter or what!) Michael was able to call and chat for a good while and it was nice to get to spend some time with him even if it was on the phone. His email has been up only 1 day the past 23 days, so email communication has been essentially non-existent. We're making it though, and we're 3 months in now!!! Whoop!!

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