Thursday, September 13, 2007

Prepared?? umm...maybe.

Not much has been happening over here...except that we're getting ready for our first typhoon! Michael called to tell me that we were in TC2 (Typhoon Condition 2) and that I needed to get to the commissary (he's been shooting at the range all week). We've since been upgraded to TC1. It was pretty much hand-to-hand combat. The wait for a cart was about 5 minutes and I think they even ran out of water, but since we have our own 5 gallon jugs we, thankfully, didn't need any. Back in NC I was fully prepared during hurricane season--our pantry was stocked and we had tons of batteries and water. Since we've only been in our house for about 3 weeks we hadn't gotten around to making sure we were "typhoon-prepared". Nothing like an impending typhoon to speed up the process! At least Michael is here this time--he didn't have to go through ONE hurricane in NC...I had to go through ALL of them by myself!! Now to find where we unpacked all the flashlights...


Anonymous said...

Be careful! Ever since you guys moved, I've been tuning into the weather channel just to see what the wheather is over there. :-)

Anonymous said...

Stay safe. Texas A&M sure got lucky against Fresno the other day. Going to Rico's reception Saturday, I'll be sure to tell him congrats for you.

MSB said...

Keep us posted on the conditions. We love you guys.