Sunday, September 30, 2007

An Earthquake and An Embarrassment

We're still not 100% sure, and there is no way to confirm (as far as we know)...but we had our first earthquake yesterday. It scared the begeezus out of me! My lucky mom (who wasn't thrilled we were moving over here) was on the phone with me as it happened. Michael thought it was just artillery, but we haven't had rounds go off since we moved here. In Lejeune it was a daily occurence to have our house shake...not here. Living so close to an Air Base we have had to become accustomed to crazy big planes flying overhead...but no artillery. I stepped outside and saw one of our neighbors...he thought it was an earthquake too. Cement buildings just don't randomly shake!

On a completely different topic:

Regardless of the Aggies football record this year, I believe Dennis Franchione should be fired! What an embarrassment to the Aggie legacy. Who thinks that SELLING insider info to anyone (including "boosters") is a good idea...let alone legal! I also think that Bill Byrne (AD) should be fired as well, because he knew what was going on and chose not to stop it. It is embarrassing that their names are associated with the university that I cherish and love so much. They obviously have no Aggie Spirit or integrity and they do not deserve a spot on campus.


MSB said...

I have experienced both earthquakes and artillery... there is a difference.

Anonymous said...

I told you not to go! MOM

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!!! This is Chey!! I haven't talked to you since you left the tricites!!I looks like you are having a wonderful time and I hope that you survived the earthquake! Your mom told you that you shouldn't have gone!!(jk) I hope that you will e-mail me sometime and let me know if your still planning on having me come visit you!!I love you both very much!!!!-Chey

Anonymous said...

What? Earthquake? You both have to stay in one piece! :-)