Sunday, May 4, 2008

Quick Update...

This is the Sunabe Seawall. Home of lots of yummy places to eat right next to the water. We love it down here!

I don't think this little guy made it...Michael made me leave b/c I was getting really sad. He got caught in a shallow area when the tide went out and we didn't have anything to help save him.

Eating curry down at the Seawall:

Here are my latest toes (I had them done before a girlfriend's baby shower):Right before I switched to my new job, my old branch had a birthday bash for four of us who had already had birthdays this year:
Nakae-san, me, Mike, and Lubka (the three of us were the only Americans in the section):

I actually had two blooms at once on this little plant!...and some old pictures from Lejeune. It was after we had two packouts and we were sleeping on a blow-up mattress in the living room with the kids (we had the final packout the next day). This was how we spent our Fourth of July:


Anonymous said...

I forgot to say congrats on your new job.


Anonymous said...

what kind of dog is this? very cute. we are looking for a small dog. thanks.